Sunday, November 13, 2011

I've been trying to stay busy...

So in the last couple of months I have made some new things that I would like to share with you.  I've been at a couple of craft shows so I'll post another update on that once I get the pictures uploaded.  In the meantime, I've been making some changes over on my website.  I'm going to try to format it more so that it's a photo gallery and that when you order, you actually email me first and then once I double check what you are purchasing I process payment with Paypal instead.

I used to have card processing directly from the merchants (Visa, AmEx) but it is way too costly to keep that up with the small volume of items I have.  So I'm going to trade it in for something more cost effective and easier to maintain.

In the meantime, this is where I'll be posting more regularly, the pictures of my new items for all of you to see, so make sure you keep checking the blog here to see what's new!  I'll make an announcement on the blog, website and facebook once I have paypal and everything all set up and ready to go again.

For now, here are some of my new items, if you are interested in any of them, email me :)

And that is pretty much everything new so far, I still have a few projects in the making so as soon as they are finished I will post them up as well!